The 80s and 90s were a gorgeous era and this pack is a tribute to that.You can use this pack in whatever game you want, any game genre with whatever mechanics because we focused on HOW your game looks instead of WHAT game genre your game is.If your game LOOKS like any 8-bit game, for example: Metroid, F1-Race, Road Fighter, Contra, or any game you played in NES this package is for you.These Sounds were made in a Music Tracker to keep alive the ESSENCE of the real 8-Bit Sounds!Categories Included:Ambience Nature EnvironmentAlarm WarningAttack Slash CutBlock ShieldingCar Engine Motorbike DriftCollect Item Pick Up Drop CoinDamage Hurt HitDeath FallingDizzy StunExplosion Destruction CrashGate Door Chest WindowMelodicPower Up Buff NerfRace Start Lights F1Jump Movement Bounce WhooshSkill Spell Magic CastUI Menu Inventory Dialogue ErrorVoice Male FemaleWeapon Shot Laser GunWav44.100 Hz16bitYes/NoMono