MC Fix & Build - Believable 3D Animations by MoCap Central
Mocap Central
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MoCap Central Presents - 150+ high quality human fix and build construction animations◼ MoCap Central Discord Community ◼Join our Discord to request animations for your project!The Fix & Build pack delivers 150+ realistic motion captured performances to bring your characters to life in your project. This pack covers many animation sets using tools such as Pickaxe, Axe, Hammer, Wrench, Drill and Tinkering.◼ Key Features ◼Humanoid character setupAAA cleaned motion captured performancesVarious working with tools height versions, from standing to kneeling and even laying on their back working under a vehicleDemo scene and animation controllers allowing you to review all the animationsAnimated fingersClean file naming for easy integrationMale performances, neutral enough to work for a female characterDefined start/end poses to ensure smooth transitionsMoCap Central Studio Series packs can be used together as they share the same transition posesMoCap Central actively updates packs◼ Disclaimer ◼Pack doesn't include the character models seen in the YouTube preview video◼ Animations Included ◼See the Animation list link below to see the full list of all the included animations.Axe = 8 animsShovel = 9AxeSmall = 14Drill = 35 animsHammer = 32 animsPickaxe = 7 animsWrench = 32 animsTinker (Use Hands) = 8 animsPlans = 6 animsIdles & Transitions = 5See full animation list hereIncludes Humanoid (Mecanim) compatible MoCap Central character