This pack enhances the functionality of the animal controller by adding a new push and pull state. You need Animal Controller or Horse Animset Pro from Malbers Animations to use this.With the Push and Pull asset, you can enhance the interactive aspects of your game, infusing gameplay mechanics with depth and engaging dynamics. Whether you're crafting puzzle-solving dungeons, action-packed adventures, or immersive role-playing experiences, this asset serves as a flexible solution for effortlessly incorporating push and pull mechanics into your game design. This asset enables characters to dynamically interact with objects in the game world, utilizing physics behavior for pushing and pulling.Designed to seamlessly integrate with the Animal state list, it easily integrates into existing projects, offering intuitive control over push and pull mechanics.Choose between rotation mode or 4-way movement mode, adapting to various gameplay scenarios.Trigger events based on movement, object collisions, and landing, allowing for customized responses to create unique interactions for your game.The documentation covers script parameters and provides step-by-step instructions for easy implementation.The Push and Pull asset requires Malbers Animal Controller or Horse Animset Pro to function properly. It's important to note that this asset does not include animations, textures, or meshes on its own. Instead, most of these assets are already bundled with the animal controller. Additionally, you have the option to use other animations, such as those available in the Invector push and pull, as I used in the video for the left and right movement.I employed AI to generate text and tooltips for my project, facilitating the creation of informative content to enhance user experience.