Simplifies item management with an easy-to-use system for item pickup, inventory handling, and throwing mechanics. Enhance gameplay and save development time with our seamless integration.The Advanced Pick-Up Inventory System for Unity provides a comprehensive solution for item management in games. This package allows players to pick up items, store them in an inventory, manage quantities, and throw them, enhancing the gameplay experience. It is highly customizable and suitable for various game genres, especially those requiring RPGs, adventure games, and survival games.Key Features:Effortless Item Pickup: Players can easily collect items with a simple interaction.Inventory Management: Store, organize, and manage items in the inventory.Slot Management: Change item slots within the inventory for better organization.Item Rotation: Rotate items in hand for better visual management.Throwing Items: Players can throw items from their inventory.Customizable Items: Setup ScriptableObjects for items.Abilities:isAvailableInInventory: Check if an item is in the inventory.isOnPlayerHand: Check if an item is currently held by the player.RemoveOneQuantityOfItem: Remove one unit of an item from the inventory.RemoveAllQuantityOfItem: Remove all units of an item from the inventory.GetTotalItemQuantity: Get the total quantity of a specific item in the inventory.GetAllItemsInInventory: Get a list of all items in the inventory with their quantities.ClearAllItems: Remove all items from the inventory.RemoveCurrentlyOnHoldItem: Remove the currently held item from the player's hand.This package is perfect for developers looking to implement an efficient inventory system in their Unity projects.Key Features1. **Effortless Item Pickup** - Players can easily collect items with a simple interaction.2. **Inventory Management** - Store, organize, and manage items in the inventory. - Visual representation of the inventory with customizable UI elements.3. **Slot Management** - Change item slots within the inventory for better organization.4. **Item Rotation** - Rotate items in hand for better visual management.5. **Throwing Items** - Players can throw items from their inventory.6. **Customizable Items** - Setup ScriptableObjects for defining item properties. - Easy to create and manage different item types and attributes.