A low poly set of 6 farm tools.Includes a set of 6 low poly farm tools including:- Hand sickle- Shovel- Hand shovel- Rake- Hoe- Pitch forkCheck my discord for support.Includes a total of 6 prefabs.Triangle count:- Hand sickle: 548 triangles- Shovel: 690 triangles- Hand shovel: 400 triangles- Rake: 628 triangles- Hoe: 332 triangles- Pitch fork: 724 trianglesNo textures are provided as these are just hard surface models with no texturing. Only baked in materials were used.URP Compatibility:In order to get the materials to work properly with URP make sure that the Universal RP package is installed.In Unity navigate to Window > Rendering > Render Pipeline Converter.Select "Build-in to URP" in the dropdown in the window that pops up.Check the box next to "Material Upgrade".Click "Initialize and Convert" at the bottom right.HDRP Compatibilty:In order to get the materials to work properly with HDRP make sure that the Hight Definition RP package is installed.In Unity, navigate to Edit > Rendering > Materials > Convert all Built-in Materials to HDRP.