Collection of gold and obsidian decorations, vases, vessels, plates, cups and tables.This package works only in Unity version 2022.3.30f1 and higher.Standard Render Pipeline, URP and HDRP are suported.To install URP or HDRP packages you'll have to import "GoldAndObsidianDecorations(HDRP)" or "GoldAndObsidianDecorations(URP)""(Dont forget to assign URP or HDRP pipeline asset in the project settings)"Project includes (30) assets.Triangle count is low, with only 4 assets having tri-count higher that 2000.All models have LODs.GoldTrim - 2048x204 (Albedo, Mask, Normal Map)ObsidianTrim - 2048x2048 (Albedo, Mask, Normal Map)