The winged Imp Female is a UV mapped, animated flying 3d creature that would be suitable for a fantasy game. It uses Unity's generic rig, and comes with its own animation's.Winged Imp Female is a small, child-like demon with wings, and tail.She carries a small bone dagger on her side, and comes in three color variants.ModelswingedImpFemale_PBR.fbxwingedImpFemale_legacy.fbxboneDagger.fbxboneDaggerSheath.fbxboneDaggerAndSheath.fbxPrefabs3 PBR variants3 legacy variantsdaggerdagger sheathdagger and sheathAttack particle trail4 Levels of DetailwingedImpFemale_PBRLOD0 14,620 trisLOD1 6,408 trisLOD2 3,718 trisLOD3 2,092 triswingedImpFemale_legacyLOD0 11,094 trisLOD1 6,134 trisLOD2 3,718 trisLOD3 2,092 tris3 Levels of DetailboneDaggerLOD0 274 trisLOD1 94 trisLOD2 38 trisbonedaggerSheathLOD0 564 trisLOD1 222 trisLOD3 48 tris10 Imp Textures (2048 x 2048)3 PBR color variants3 legacy color variants with specular in alpha channelAmbient OcclusionMetal/SmoothnessEmission MapNormal Map5 Bone Dagger Textures (2048 x 2048)PBR ColorLegacy color variants with specular in alpha channelAmbient OcclusionMetal/SmoothnessNormal Map9 Materials3 Winged Imp Female Variants PBR materials3 Winged Imp Female Variants Legacy materialsBone dagger PBR materialBone dagger legacy materialAttack particle trail materialAnimations17 Animations with root motion "_RM"14 Animations that require scripting for motion "_legacy"9 In-place animations eg. idleNote: Animations use Unity's Generic Rig