Simple PBR space fighter is ready to launch along with several parts to customize withHDRP ( 12.1.12 )URP ( 12.1.12 )🌝 FEATURES 🌝- You can get the FULL PACKAGE Here- It only has 1 universial material with 1 albedo texture(512 x 512) and 1 MetallicSmoothiness textures(512 x 512) and 1 Emission texture(512 x 512) for all parts.- SRP HDRP/URP 100% supported ( 12.1.12 or Higher )- Optimized for mobile games(low poly) ranging from 15000 Tris to 20000 Tris per one modular space fighterIf you have any questions or request, fire away your needs through the followings.WebsiteE-mailNumber of Textures :Default PBR ( Albedo, Metallic-Smoothness, Emission, 3 of them)Texture Dimenstions : 512 x 512Polygon count :Body01 - 6143 TrisWing01 - 883 TrisWing02 - 1850 TrisPart02 - 1394 TrisPart03 - 1857 TrisNumber of Meshes/Prefabs :5 Meshes3 PrefabsRigging : No ( no skeleton is used )