This bundle includes Enviro 3 - UBER Shader and Enviro 3 - Terrain Shader at a discount! Boost your scene visuals with dynamic weather effects on your terrain and meshes based on Enviro 3 weather!Currently supports URP/HDRP 12.x -> 17.x.This bundle currently includes two assets. You can add these for "free" after purchasing this asset!Enviro 3 - UBER ShaderEnviro 3 - UBER Shader is a PBR UBER shader specialized for dynamic weather effects like rain, puddles and snow. Fully integrated with Enviro 3 weather syncing, fog and volume lighting support.Features:* All render-pipelines are supported! Unity 6 supported!* Opaque, fade, transparent and cutout support.* Optional Tessellation support.* Secondary texture layer with mask, procedural noise or height based blending.* Dynamic snow with "subsurface scattering" like lighting.* Dynamic puddles with waves and rain ripples.* Dynamic wetness with rain streaks/flow and splotches.* Triplanar detail normals.* Fully integrated with Enviro 3 out of the box.* Includes simple to use texture channel packer.* Includes material converter tool to convert your scene in only two clicks in an non destructive workflow!Enviro 3 - Terrain ShaderEnviro 3 - Terrain Shader is a PBR terrain shader specialized for dynamic weather effects like rain, puddles and snow. Anti-tiling sampling, tessellation and height blending!Features:* All render-pipelines are supported! Unity 6 supported!* Very easy and quick setup.* Up to 12 layers. (Will be increased in future!)* Linear or height based blending.* Dynamic snow with "subsurface scattering" like lighting effect.* Dynamic puddles with waves and rain ripples.* Dynamic wetness with rain flow and splotches.* Optional anti-tiling stochastic sampling option.* Optional tessellation support.* Terrain holes support.* Fully integrated with Enviro 3 - Sky and Weather and Enviro 3 - UBER shader out of the box.* Includes simple to use texture channel packer.Enviro 3 - UBER ShaderOpaque, fade, transparent and cutoutOptional TessellationDynamic snowDynamic rainDynamic puddlesTriplanar normal supportAdditional PBR detail layer based on mask/procedural noise or height.Full Enviro 3 integrationEnviro 3 - Terrain ShaderDynamic snowDynamic rainDynamic puddlesLinear or height-based blendingOptional TessellationAnti-Tiling samplingTerrain holes support.Full Enviro 3 integration