A basic inventory system for UI ToolkitGithub | Youtube | Discord-----⚠️ Backup your project if upgrading to 1.1 (Major breaking changes)-----📜 Changelog-----✍ v1.1:🛠️ Add item rarity support🛠️ Add tooltip support🛠️ Refactor data store🛠️ Refactor observable model🛠️ Various improvements and optimisations-----This package can be used to create various styles of inventories, ranging from RPGs to RTS and City Builders.It features well known mechanics like main inventory, equipment, hotbar, vendor, chests.All code is included, and as the title implies, it uses UI Toolkit to render elements on screen, which means that there are no MonoBehaviors or prefabs. Basic knowledge of UI Toolkit and some coding will be required if you wish to extend or customize it to your needs.The package includes a rudimentary items system that you can extend or adapt to your own.The underlying architecture uses events to communicate state changes which allows for loose coupling between components and high extensibility.The project was built with a functional paradigm in mind, - you can use it to study some (hopefully) good FP practices.✔️ Features• Item Management• Drag and drop• Inventory Display• Equipment• Hotbar• Crafting• Shop• Chests• Item Rarity ✨ (New)• Tooltip ✨ (New)