150 Intense combat sounds for immersive gaming. Includes Weapons, Punches, Stabs, Hits and much more!Content ListPreview SoundsExperience the raw intensity of combat with our meticulously crafted sound collection. From the clash of blades to the thunderous echo of firearms, every element is designed to immerse you in the heart of battle.Includes:Punch, Generic Hit & StabWhoosh, Metal Clash & Weapon HandlingBlade, Bow and ShieldBlood, Bone Breaking & GoreBonus: Explosion SoundsFeel the impact of a precisely timed punch, razor-sharp blades meeting flesh with a satisfying thud. This package encapsulates combat's essence, ensuring an unmatched gaming experience across genres. Indie-friendly price!Audio file types:.wavSample rate: 44.1Bit depth: 16Loopable: NoAdditional: Stereo