Low-poly model of the character Zombie Baker+ ZombieBike
Suitable for games of different genre: RPG, strategy, first-person shooter, etc.Textures pack map 4096x4096three skins zombies and three skins zombie moto19 materials zombie3 materials moto61 textures (zombie+moto)extra bones zombieEye_joint_LEye_joint_RJaw_jointbody_kit2 by body_kit2_10body_kit1 by body_kit1_1body_kit3 by body_kit3_7The model contains 21 ZombieBaker animationsattack (x5)walking (x2)Straif LR (x2)idle (x3)death (x3)gethit(x3)rage runBoardingBikeZombie BIke It has no animationsZombie Biker Motorcycle faces 29584 faces 23914verts 30850 verts 23173tris 58170 tris 42601