Wings effects moving with "UV" animation, applicable for URP/built-in.This package is released as a secure version of the existing "FX_Wings Effects" package. It is compatible with "URP", which was not supported previously, and additional shaders have been created using "AmplifyShaderEditor" for more variety. Various FBX files for wing usage have also been added.== FX_Wings Effects NEW ==- Animations : 18.- Models: 9.- Prefabs : 89.[ Wing Prefabs: 85. / Prefabs: 4. ]- Scene : 3.- Shaders[ AmplifyShaderEditor. ( built-in / UPR ) ][ Wing Shaders 3 / Shader 1. ][ Wing Materials : 60 / Materials 1. ]- Texture : 73.[Texture : [2048x2048], [1024x1024], [512x512], [256x256].]