This is a complete game project, to help you creating your own Final fantasy like RPG, the code is very simple and full in C#, you just need to import the package and open the loader scene.
HOW TO PLAY :Arrow = move, Esc = Menu, Space = Interract with persons, Mouse : to make choices.
HTML5 Demo
Here is another demo using other assets that are not included in the packege for CA3 license to show you how easy is the restyling
Html Demo 2
(The demo quality is reduced to load faster and you cannot save)
Features :
-"Tiled" Integration : you can integrate easily your own tiled maps with the free "Tiled" software.
-Customization :You can parameter easily and entirely your game as you can see in the demo.
-Market integration : The player can buy items from the market or npc.
-Dialog integration : Easy dialog integration, with action choice.
-Animation management : You can integrate easily your animation.
-Complete turn by turn battle system.
-NPC IA : The npc can walk in a predifined area and be aware of collisions.
-Complete UI : You can manage items,characters, spells ...
-Complete documentation.
-Saving in game functionality.
-Screen adapting : The game will adapt to the screen automatically
-In game currency, inventory...
-Smart sound manager.
And more...
Assets are public domain so you free to use them.
For desktop and Web Player you can adapt easy for phones.
More features will be released soon, please contact us for more informations : pondomaniac@outlook.com