This is a script that allows for the camera to smoothly follow a single object or multiple objects in the scene with adjustability.a Really Smooth 2D camera that follows any amount of gameobjects you assign it to.Are you too busy developing the next best trending game? Don't have the time to worry about a camera? Then this is the easiest and quickest way to sort out the camera side of things on your project! Say hello to the 2D Cam with Smooth Follow and Zoom ready to be used on any 2D project!REALLY EASY TO USE!Just drag and drop the script onto your camera prefab and assign your objects!ADJUSTABILITY!Fine tune the settings right in the inspector!LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION!Support forSingle object trackingandMultiple object tracking.It has adjustability forBoundariesCamera OffsetCamera SmoothnessMinimum and Maximum Zoom amountZoom Speed.