Our Ultimate Scope and Red Dot shaders are a must have for any FPS project.This package is now compatible with all unity versions and render pipelinesUnfortunately, most scope shaders on the market and in tutorials are innacurate in many ways, and most skip important key details. To ensure quality and accuracy, our shaders were hand crafted from the ground up using real riflescopes as references.Read the Quick-Start GuideDownload Windows Demo BuildsJoin the Discord for quick supportOur scope shaders have the following features:Dual-Render opticsAdjustable reticle, using a texture as the inputAdjustable reticle brightnessAdjustable scope shadow sizeAdjustable eye relief (the distance the scope must be held from the camera)Adjustable eyebox (how straight the camera needs to look through the scope)Adjustable scope depthAdjustable scope FOVOptional Lens distortionThe ability to render both FFP and SFP scopes (FFP = first focal plane, reticle zooms with scope. SFP = second focal plane, reticle size doesnt change with zoom)Our red dot sight shaders have the following features:Reticle blur and fadeOptional glass tintOptional animated radial noiseOptional animated noise for UV offsetTexture input for reticleAdjustable reticle size and colorAdditional notes:Compatible with VR and VR chatWe are proud of the results our shaders provide. If you are Satisfied or Dissatisfied with the package, please leave a review or contact us through the support discord. All feedback helps to make the package better with future updates. We would also love to see our shaders in your projects!