Tweenslator UI is an animation tool that lets you easily create, edit and manage Tween-based animations.Asset uses Str8tween under MIT; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.Str8Tween is our own tween engine.It comes with a component whose friendly interface allows you to create and manage UI animations.You don't need coding skills to use it but for those who do, there's an API.It relies on a tween engine to work and is compatible with DOTween and LeanTween.Available effects :MoveFadeScaleRotateYou can make animations :Play On Game StartLoopPauseResumeCompleteStopFor every effect a delay, duration and easing function has to be defined or selected.Every animations has a UnityEvent for its start, loop and end events.The UIAnimator component allows you to create, list, control and delete animations.Notes :Two versions of the same demo scene are provided in the package. They are totally optional and the "Demos" folder should be removed from your project if you intend to publish. The first version uses Text Mesh Pro and Unity versions prior to 2021.1.3 can have all GUI elements rendered white. The second version don't use Text Mesh Pro and won't have GUI elements rendered white but is less aesthetic.If you experience error messages right from the start, try setting the api compatibility level in the project settings to ```.Net stantdard 2.1```.Asset uses Str8tween under MIT; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.Str8Tween is our own tween engine.The package is provided with a PDF version of our documentation for further details.