The Native In-App Updater by Efface Studios is a tool for Android games to check for updates and notify users. It can automatically check for updates or users can manually check.The Native In-App Updater by Efface Studios is a tool that helps your Android game app check if there's a new version available on the Google Play Store.Here are the main things it can do:It lets you easily switch between two types of updates: one that happens right away (Immediate Update) or one that gives users the choice to update later (Flexible Update).It can automatically check for updates when your app starts or when a user clicks a button to check manually.It uses a special Android screen to show the update details, like how big the update is, how much has been downloaded, and how the installation is progressing once the download is done.One important thing to note: If you publish your app as an Android App Bundle, the biggest update your users can download through in-app updates is 150MB. Also, this feature won't work if your app uses APK expansion files (.obb files).IT DOES SUPPORT ONLY ANDROID PLATFORMHere is the Documentation to understand how to make this asset work.