a viking swordsman with full animation for 2d platform game.Unity 2022.3.16f1Spine 4.1Standard PipelineURP
Note: That you don't need the Spine software to use this package. Only the Spine-Unity V4.1 package is required, which can be easily installed from here. The spine license details here.File count: 1 optional json and prefabsizes: 3.0 mbAdditional: pixel basedSize image: 2048 pixelAnimated: YesAnimation list:Idle1, Idle2, Walk, Run, Glide, PushIdle, Pushing, Pulling, StartSlide, DoneSlide, SwimIdle, Swimming, Crouching, Crawling, WallClimbing, LedgeHanging, Jump1 (idle-to-up, up, up-to-down, down), Jump2 (idle-to-up, up, up-to-down, down), Grounded, Hurt, Death, AirHurt, AirDeath (start, fall, ground), Attack-Kick, Attack-Thrust, Attack-AirThrust, Attack-Cross, Attack-Final, Dash1, Dash2, Diving, HitTheGround, Dangling, Drink, Eat, Yawn, Ladder_Idle, Ladder_ClimbUp, Ladder_ClimbDown