VRBasics is intended to be a jump start to your virtual reality project! This release supports both the HTC Vive in combination with the SteamVR package and the Oculus Rift in combination with the Oculus Integration package.
VRBasics includes Examples that demostrate it's features including touchable, pushable, grabbable and throwable objects, teleporting, gaze and speech integration.
VRBasics also includes methods of creating more complex interactions including levers and hinges, rails and sliders as well as connectable objects. These more complex features come complete with gizmos drawn in the Scene editor to give you a more precise idea of how they will function in game. The included demoStation scene provides examples of the many different use cases of these interactions.
Also included in the package is the Tank Belt demo which uses some of the features of VRBasics to allow you to move around in virtual space as if you were driving a tank!