Multi-lingual narration system. Simple and foolproof.📕 DocumentationEasy and simpleOnly one line of code is needed to trigger the narration.CompatibilityWorks with the official Unity Localization. No additional configuration is required to use this asset.Live editingMake changes inside Play mode. Benefit from fast debugging.Proved & TestedThis asset is being used by these games:Kindness KingdomFantasy ForestDiversity DiscoBuddy BuildersLicenceAsset uses SpaceGrotesk-Medium.ttf under SIL Open Font License; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.Remember⭐ Rate❤️️ SaveDependenciesLocalizationAddressablesTextMeshProLocalizedCaptionsLocalizedAudioRequirementsUnity Version: 2019.4 (LTS) or higherSupported audio filesSupported captions filesI have used Gpt4 and Muse to learn and solve faster my questions about the Localization package.For the demo sample, I have used ElevenLabs text-to-speech and its voice library to create with the same narrator, multiple audios of the same speech in different languages.