The Retro 3D Shader Pack for Unity is a collection of shaders that can be used to replicate the distinct visual style of early 3D games within the modern Unity engine.The retro post-processing shader requires Unity's post processing package to be installed in order to function - see README included in Shader Pack for installation instructions.The example scene requires Text Mesh Pro - an installation window will automatically pop up the first time the scene is opened.The Retro 3D Shader Pack is a collection of shaders that can be used to replicate the distinctive visual style of early 3D (32-bit) consoles such as the original PlayStation and the Nintendo 64 within the modern Unity engine. Each included effect is modular, scalable, and can be easily utilised by both programmers and non-programmers via included custom GUIs - no knowledge of shader code is required. Features include:- Retro shaders which render 3D objects using four distinct lighting types; unlit, vertex lit, flat lit, and standard Unity lighting- Support for common material features such as transparency, tiling & offset, color tint, specularity, normal mapping, emission, and more- Retro properties which can be easily enabled and disabled including;- Vertex jitter/snapping with world/screen space toggle- Affine texture mapping- Vertex draw distance- Lit and unlit sprite shaders- A retro post-processing shader which uses the in-built Unity Post-Processing Stack (v2) for simple integration with other post-process effects as well as enabling;- Pixelation which can be toggled between basic pixel scaling vs fixed vertical resolution- Color depth/posterization- Scalable dithering which comes with a set of supplied dither patterns as well as the option to use your own- An example scene showcasing the practical uses of each shader with example materials and post-processing profile