This asset allows you to create an awesome top-down RPG World(32x32)
There are a good range of terrains, props variety and high quality animated characters.⭐TERRAIN and PROPS✅ 4 Main tilesets to transition between each other and 5 auxiliaries.✅ As you can see in the mockups, the asset was designed to look like an environment inside of a mountain. These tilesets are drawn in a bridge-like shape but these are regular tilesets so you can draw the way you want.✅ Statues, pillars, mountain wall for the background, arc structure, boss gate, crystals, shinny effects for the crystals, lightning effects, bridge, animated chest, rock pillars coming out of the depths of the mountain, candelabrum and fire animation (the fire is from sewers asset), animated book, animated itens to get a buff, altar for these itens, animated power balls, golden monument, pots whole/broken and more. ✅Props are provided as spritesheets and as individual sprites.✅ Auto-tiling support using Tiled Map Editor*Notes-Unity's Rule tile system alternativeSince Unity's default rule tile system is somehow limited and does not cover some aspects of autotiling out of the box, tilesets with multiple heights(e.g wallswith 2 or more tiles of height) have no rule tile setup (There are premade shapes in the tile palette to speed up the process)-TiledMap Editor alternativeAll tilesets have full autotile support and this is as easy as selecting a brush for a specific tileset and start drawing.2D Map Editor: Tiled Map EditorTiled Map Editor maps to Unity: Super Tiled2Unity (This should be imported to Unity as a package)Sample Scenes:- Standard sample scene- 2 TiledtoUnity scenes (require Super Tiled2Unity package in order to load the scene)⭐CHARACTERS✅ Enemy 1. Animations: Idle, Run, Attack 1, Attack 2, Hurt, Death.✅ Enemy 1 variation. Animations: Idle, Run, Attack 1, Hurt, Death.✅ Enemy 2. Animations: Idle, Run, hurt, death, attack 1, attack 2 (combo - must be used after attack 1) and attack 1 to neutral position (in case you only want to use the first attack)✅ Enemy 3 (Boss). Animations: idle, walk, hurt, death, resurrection, attack 1, attack 2(combo), attack 3 and effects for all attacks.✅Mimic: Pot Boy. Animations: Revealing itself, idle, walk, attack 1, attack 2, hurt, death(breaking).⭐FUTURE ROADMAP FOR THE 'EPIC RPG WORLD' SERIES➥ Grass Land (Legacy)➥ Grass Land 2.0 ➥ Cemetery➥ Crypt ➥ Ancient Ruins➥ Sewers ➥ Old Prison➥ The Depths of the Mountain ✔➥ Volcano➥ The Village➥ Mountainous area➥ Desert➥ A series of characters pack for all assets previously released (I'm also considering doing 4-direction animations, including the ones already released)❤️ Thank you for downloading EPIC RPG World - The Depths of the Mountain ❤️File count : over 3000 files + tilesAnimated Tiles: NoAnimated Props: YesAnimation type:Animated propsAnimated characters and effectsExternal dependencies(opcional): Tiled Map Editor, Super Tiled2UnityAdditional: pixelart, 2D topdown, tilesets, tile resolution 32x32