The Cooking Pack is designed to give access to common kitchen objects and help fill out a kitchen scene for any 3d game.The pack contains many common kitchen objects displayed in the images on the storefront. There is also a nice matching of cabinets and countertops that fit together well and are measured to look great with a matching width.If there happens to be a prop that you feel should be included in this pack, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at and I may be able to help you out!Visit my portfolio site to view other works I have created here: objects contain 4 maps (metallic,normal,roughness, and albedo/diffuse) Objects that are non-metallic or have non-metallic components will only contain roughness, diffuse/albedo, and normal maps.All textures are 2048x2048A bulk of the pack is filled with items from 500-2000 verts, with the highest being around 4000 verts.The Pack contains over 50 Prefabed models with 35 unique object meshes.No objects are rigged or contain animationsObjects are all UV unwrapped and textures are manually baked and assembled into materials, which work well within Unity's engine.Objects do not contain lod (levels of design)