A former soy sauce factory that opened in 1975 which was renovated into a public cultural space
1975년 개업해 폐업한지 오래되어 도심 흉물이었던 간장공장을 도시재생을 통해 리노베이션 한 공공 문화공간A former soy sauce factory that opened in 1975 which was renovated into a public cultural space1975년 개업해 폐업한지 오래되어 도심 흉물이었던 간장공장을 도시재생을 통해 리노베이션 한 공공 문화공간## URP Materials ##Number of textures10 Texture setsPolygon count of [Model Name]ChungJang22 100k TriPolysUV mapping : YesLOD information (count, number of levels)Non LODTypes of materials and texture mapsPBR