Do you manage or want to manage your project content on a CMS like Drupal and want to access that information (users, asset bundles, images, audios, videos, texts, etc.) or generate it (user registration, login, progress, etc.) from Unity?A full Drupal 7 API integration. It implements all endpoints available using Services module.
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Supported Platforms
★ It should work on any platform supporting “UnityWebRequest” class.
★ Full Drupal 7 Rest API support via Services module (with 100% endpoints implemented).
★ Full object oriented API (you don't deserialize anything, it's already done it for you).
★ Entities raw data it’s always retained to allow extensibility (user custom fields, node custom fields, etc…).
★ It’s really easy to extend the API to user custom created resources with a partial class or extension method (example provided).
★ C# Source code included.
★ Documentation available.
★ Easy integration on your Unity project.
★ Well organized and structured code.
★ Event based. Example: OnUsersRetrieved(IEnumerable users)
★ Fully testable in editor: You can also log Drupal original endpoint url and XML response.
★ Examples available. Includes an example to test the full API with a console view.
★ It can be made compatible with assets like Best HTTP/2.