This package contains a 2D female character of an adventure girl in a primitive or jungle type attire carrying a staff. To get the fun started, she comes with some simple animations and scripts.This caracter was created with a jungle, medieval, dungeon, and tropical climate themes in mind. Also it was precieved that the character would be scaled down to the size desired.The package contains the character in a sample environment supported with basic WASD controls and animations, including an attack animation. The character may be modified. There is a prefab all rigged up. There is a multi-layered PSD file. The file is a 480 by 640 pixels with a resulution of 300 dpi.In regard to animating, the weighted bending/deformation of the skinned mesh method was not used. Instead a technique of putting limb segments on seperate layers with points of rotation between them was used. In case of movement of the left hand around the staff and behind or in front of the left leg, a mothod of layer shifting during animations was used. This may be seen in the sample animations.Animations:IdleStart WalkingWalkingStart RunningRunningJump UpJump DownAttack Light (overhead swith while standing still)Attack Moving (a silly broom sweeping type movement while walking)No AI/ML was used during the creation of this contentThe package contains the following:1 character prefab9 animation files1 animation controller1 demonstration scene1 multi-layered PSD file, 640x480, 300dpi, Raster Layers2 scripts: Player Movement, Camera Movement1 tag manager file