Ghost and Banshee Animated Package
Fully animated and rigged 3d models of ghosts and banshees with textures.
4 Different Prefabs with Animation controllers included. (textures, materials, and slight model variations)
Putrid Ghost (with particle systems and emission)
Putrid Banshee (with particle systems and emission)
Basic maya rig included - so you can create your own custom animations.
Diffuse, Normal Maps, Metallic Maps Emission and multiple materials included.
Models info
6590 verts, 11585 tris
7047 verts, 12100 tris
As you can see the total amount of tris and verts will depend
which prefab you choose to use.
This package comes with variety of animations.
You will have multiple options.
Here is a total list with frames and information:
Here is a list of animations (around 30):
1) 000-005 - t_pose
2) 010-045 - walk/fly (loop)
3) 050-085 - run/fly (loop)
4) 100-130 - hurt_01
5) 140-175 - die_01
6) 180-190 - dead_01 (loop)
7) 195-235 - defend_basic (no weapons)
8) 245-280 - cast_spell_01 (right arm)
9) 290-333 - cast_spell_02 (left arm)
10) 340-403 - cast_spell_03 (both_arms)
11) 410-455 - attack_basic_01
12) 460-521 - attack_basic_02
13) 530-591 - attack_basic_03
14) 600-663 - ability_magic_01
15) 670-755 - win
16) 760-800 - lose
17) 800-862 - lose_idle (loop)
18) 870-961 - ability_magic_02 / magic_charge / win_02
19) 970-1022 - ability_bite
20) 1030-1040 - stand (use this one as a base)
21) 1050-1200 - idle (loop) (use this one as a base)
22) 1210-1244 - hurt_02 - twitchy/fast
23) 1250-1304 - attack_basic_04 / zombie_attack_01
24) 1310-1360 - attack_basic_05 / zombie_attack_02
25) 1370-1409 - hurt_03
26) 1420-1469 - attack_basic_06 / double hand grab attack
27) 1480-1525 - die_02
28) 1530-1550 - dead_02
29) 1560-1610 - attack basic_07 / big swing
30) 1620-1700 - ability_scream / banshee scream attack
For questions send an email to: kornica3d@gmail.com