Narramancer Apprentice is the free version of Narramancer: a node-based behavior tree and game logic system with full game save and load support.Narramancer Apprentice is the Free version of Narramancer. It has all the features of the full package (0.5.2) BUT will prevent you from building your game until you have the full version.Narramancer is a node-based scripting system with saving and loading built-in.Easy and powerful, Narramancer allows you to control everything from menu flow to NPC behavior.Documentation | Video Tutorials | DiscordUse node graphs to visually script the actionGame logic and menu flowGameObject creation and manipulationThere's a node to handle everythingChoose from over one hundred built-in nodesCall any C# method (using reflection)Create your own custom nodesDefine the 'things' in your game: characters, items, or locationsGive things properties, stats, and relationshipsMake changes 'on the fly' and see the results without having to recompile or exit play modeSave the state of the game at any timeEverything, including the actions currently running, can be serialized and recreatedVisualize the flow and logic of your game in an intuitive graphGetting StartedGo to Project Settings -> Player -> Other Settings and Change Api Compatibility Level to “.NET 4.x”Import the Unity package into your projectGo to Window -> NarramancerIf you are upgrading Narramancer from a previous version, you must first remove the old version of Narramancer by deleting the entire Narramancer folder in your project Assets.Asset uses Odin Serializer under Apache-2.0 license.Asset uses xNode under MIT License.Asset uses SerializableDictionary under MIT License.Asset uses SerializableAction under MIT License.See Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.Compatible with Unity 2019.4.0f1 and newerRequires Api Compatibility Level .NET 4.xWorks with all platforms including mobile and webIncludes and depends on:Odin SerializerxNodeSerializableDictionarySerializableActionCompatible with Odin Inspector