This is a pack containing a variety of meshes, prefabs, materials, and textures that will help you integrate a cohesive cable system into your scenes.The AssetZoo Scene is only compatible in the Built-in Render Pipeline.The SplineMesh tool is essential for our pack to bend the cables.This pack contains 3 base cable meshes along with their respective plugs, sockets, & spiral meshes.The cable festoon system consists of three meshes: The main festoon, the smaller festoon attachment, and a steel beam to attach them to. In addition, for each cable type, there are 10 preset lengths.All meshes besides the cable plugs & steel beam come with 3+ material skins.Meshes have been created in a way best to work either on their own or with the help of the SplineMesh tool included in this pack.An introduction for the SplineMesh tool is included. This tool is developed by Meth and also available in the Asset Store. If you want to support Meth for developing this amazing tool, please click here!Features include:- 3 Cable meshes- 2 Cable festoon meshes (Main festoon & smaller festoon attachment)- 1 Steel beam mesh- 30 preset folded meshes with different meshes (10 for each type of cables)- 3 plug meshes (one for each type of cable)- 3 wall socket meshes (one for each type of cable)- 4 spiral cable meshes- Asset zoo sceneNumber of Material and Material Variants: 47Number of Textures: 164Texture Resolutions: 4096x4096, PBRNumber of meshes/prefabs: 47LOD information: All products have 1, 2 or 3 LOD levels