Modular Medieval Environment (Medieval Castle, Medieval Houses, Medieval Church)
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Medieval Environment Pack provides many necessary features of an overall Medieval village including Medieval Castle Complex, Medieval Church, Chapel, Barns Windmill, Medieval Houses and modular assetsMedieval Environment Pack provides many necessary features of an overall Medieval village including Medieval Castle Complex, Medieval Church, Chapel, Barns Windmill, Medieval Houses and modular assets. In main scene there are Medieval Castles, Medieval Village and Medieval Church included.You can create an immersive Medieval Environment with this pack.Number of Unique Meshes: 280Collision: Yes,usually generated in Unity(Box and Mesh Collider).Vertex Count for LOD0: max: SM_StoneStair_01 (52.250 vertices)LODs: (Yes, up to 3)Number of Materials: 57Materials: This asset contains PBR based materials which means each material contains a Base Texture, and a Normal Texture by default and additionally has Smoothness, Ambient Occlusion, Metalic and Opacity Texture Maps according to the material.Texture Map Types: Base Color / Diffuse, Normal, Smoothness / Roughness, Metalic, OpacityNumber of Textures: 105Props: Bags, Barrels, Baskets, Benches, Boulders,Cliffs, Cutlog, ElmTrees, Flag, Flowers, Grasses, GroundPlants, Mosses, Pots, WoodenRailings, etc.[Diffuse, Normal, Roughness, Opacity, AO, Metalic]Architecture: Ground, Walls, Floors, Doors, Ornaments, Roofs, Pillars, Stair etc.[Diffuse, Normal, Roughness, Opacity, AO, Metalic]Texture Resolutions: (1024x1024,2048x2048)Supported Development Platforms:Windows: (Yes)Mac: (Yes)Render Pipeline Disclaimer:This package was created as HDRP.Built-IN files included.If you want use Built-IN, you can import it. As an extra, you can also use it in your URP project by adding URP support to ShaderGraphs.