Beaten and broken, this crystal has been caged and its magic potential harnessed for nefarious purposes! Eye-catching prop to drag-and-drop into your project for background, objective, crafting...Fantastic fantasy prop that you can use to add extra flavour to your scenes, or maybe as an objective to capture and destroy? Perhaps you want to craft your own crystal cage to syphon trapped crystalline powers...This package is made up of two objects of 8 and 4 meshes with 40 high quality 4096x4096 textures suitable for PBR materials. The objects can be used separately or together as desired, for increased modularity; if you want an empty crystal-cage or just the crystal itself, you can easily pick-and-choose. The separated crystal has a centralised origin for ease of use.Each mesh/material combination has been included as a prefab (crystal/cage/combined) ready-to-go out of the box with each prefab pre-setup with a 4-level LoD mesh cascade. The base, highest-quality mesh has a triangle count of 7,024 with the lowest LoD dropping to 1,736 triangles.There are 18 different phenotypes (30 including emissive types) in total made up of 3 different cage sets and 6 different crystal sets of all combinations.For additional customisation, all the crystals except the Jet and Ivory sets are optionally transparent depending on material used and emissive textures have been included to allow the possibility of adding some glow to the cracks & damage on the crystal.All the files are clearly structured and separated so you can easily import what you need for your project and leave out what you don't, to save space.2 objects and 12 meshes making up 4 levels of detail (going from 7,024 down to 1,736 tris)18 different texture sets of 40 different 4096x4096 textures including base colour maps, metallic maps, occlusion maps and Normal maps for PBR materialsEach texture set is setup with LOD and material as a prefab, ready to go!Texture sets made up of 3 different cage types and 6 different crystal typesAll crystal textures except Jet & Ivory sets are translucentAll crystal textures except Jet & Ivory sets come with optional emissive textures for cracked & damaged areas