A First-Person Procedural Recoil System you can set up in less than a minute!Compatible with both the Legacy Input System and the New Input System.A procedural recoil system made for first-person games that will allow you to effortlessly add recoil to your weapons.Features:All in one script which can be attached anywhere in your controller/weapons.Customizable recoil and recoil reset animation curves + speed.Recoil settings can be updated at runtime.Custom scale values to adjust your recoil based on Crouch and ADS.Works with any kind of weapon (Full Auto, Semi-Auto, Burst, etc...)A total of 16 variables to achieve the perfect recoil.Clean and commented code.Example levels included with a first-person Player Controller that can Move, Jump, Crouch, Zoom, and Shoot!If you need help with the asset, join this Discord!Link to documentation: FPS Procedural Recoil System Documentation - Unity