Modern Multiplayer GUI pack is Complete UI asset to make your own game- Basic 2D UI pack!- It's the most basic set of game UI- With the perfect configurations and provided PSD, developers can easily design them!- The demo scene is made keeping PS ui interface in mind.- User/ Buyer can make xbox, Playstation, PC and mobile ui interface with given sources.[ FILE FORMATS ]- Transparaent PNG- Adobe Photoshop PSDThese PSD files are 100% vector, full-layered, well organised and easy to use. Ready for high resolutions displays. (3840 x 2160)[ Key Features ]480 flaticons (White Icon : 32x32, 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512)loadout_icons 28 (White Icon: 32x32, 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512)country_flags 38 (32x32, 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512)colored_icon 345 (32x32, 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512)1 background (3840 x 2160)1 character (3840 x 2160controller icons (xbox,PS,PC) dark and light theme both• PSD Files (x51) : Includes flaticonsAll character and background game photos are for preview purpose only and are not included in the package.[ ASSETS ]Frames, Popups, Sliders,Btns,Components, Demo_UI, DemoScene_PanelsAsset uses [Font-Poppins ] under [Open Font License]; see license.txt file in package for details.