Sci-Fi Research Laboratory propsSci-Fi Research Laboratory propsFEATURES:Two Skins - White/Dark MetallicMid poly meshes with HQ texturesFridge, Storage cabinet and Diagnostics unit include separated doors/covers (all other are single mesh)Hologram shader (Shader Graph requared)Custom convex collidersPROPS:Furniture - Fridge, Storage cabinet, Desks(4), Chairs(3), Workspace/Diagnostics unitsDevices - Lab devices(10), Terminals(2), Incubators(2), DisplayOrgans - Brain, heart, stomachGlassware - Glassware and tubes (14)Other - Barrels (3)SCI-FI PRODUCTS:Write a review, email me to get 50% OFF on one of the listed products:Sci-Fi Living RoomSci-Fi Briefing & Auditorium RoomsSci-Fi Conference RoomSci-Fi Bar PropsSci-Fi FurnitureSci-Fi Stage PropsSci-Fi WeaponsSci-Fi DronesSci-Fi InsectsNOTES:All display screen images generated using AI (no readable text details)Product doesn't contain scripts to open/close cabinet doorsURP/HDRP - Use Render pipeline converterNumber of textures: 334Texture dimensions : 1024x1024, 2048x2048Vertex Count: Devices(2-5k), Desks(5-14k), Cabinets(2-5k), Glassware/tubes(200-3.7k), Barrels(1-2k), Organs(1.5-3k)Number of meshes/prefabs: 85/89Rigging: NoAnimation count: 1UV mapping: YesLOD information: NoTypes of materials: PBRI've used AI to generate insparation images