Complete soundtrack for cozy, melancholic and chill games. 16 full songs and 51 seemless loops.Complete soundtrack for cozy, melancholic and chill games. Full track songs:16 lofi chill songs. Some of them include ambient sounds of weather and rain. For all of these i have included as a bonus track a weather free version, in case it would not fit your song. Loops: Seemless loops taken from the full track songs. They will loop perfectly and there are 41 of them for you to use in cut scenes, loading screens, menus and some of them are up to 30 seconds and could well be used as in game music! Check out the loop demo track to hear them all. Shimmer Loops:These 10 loops are also seemless and perfectly looping but are more usefull as background sounds rather than music as they contain parts of the music that are more sound scape than melodic. Reversed pianos, loong echoes, shimmering glitter sounds in the sunset. You can hear them last in the loop demo track. Also checkout the LoFi Soundpack full with musical notifications, stingers, ques and ui sfx some using the same sounds as these songs and all of them in the same style. They are made to match! Number of files: 77Number of full tracks: 16Duration of full tracks: 55min 14 secNumber of loops: 51Duration of loops: 16min 28secFile format: WAV