Collection 44 - Man/Woman in Casual/Summer Outfits - Rigged
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Collection 44 - Man/Woman in Casual/Summer Outfits - RiggedChacters separately:Man WomanImportant!1. There are 3 scenes in the project configured for a built-in and scriptable render pipelines(URP, HDRP).2. Materials, Meshes and Prefabs sorted in folders that are relevant for each renderpipelines.- PBR Materials (BaseColor, Roughness, Metallic, Normal)- All objects, textures and materials have their own names- Model is built to real-world scale- Units used: cm- Doesn't have Default names- Doesn't have NGons- Doesn't have Overlapping Vertices- Doesn't have Overlapping Faces- Doesn't have Overlapping UV Faces- Doesn't have Missing texturesMAN- Rigged:(Yes)- Rigged: to Humanoid:(Yes)- Morph-targets: (52 ARKit facial Blendshapes)- Animated:(Yes)- Cloth Simulation (no)- Number of Animations:(9)- Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): In-place- Number of meshes/prefabs: 6 / 7- UV mapping: Yes- Number of scripts: 2Geometry Man OutfitVerts: 85,477 26,360Tris: 126,440 52,315Polys: 63,221 26,158Number of PBR Materials: 10(built-in) + 10 (URP) + 10 (HDRP)Number of Textures: 14WOMAN- Rigged:(Yes)- Rigged: to Humanoid:(Yes)- Morph-targets: (52 ARKit facial Blendshapes)- Animated:(Yes)- Cloth Simulation (no)- Number of Animations:(9)- Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): In-place- Number of meshes/prefabs: 4 / 4- UV mapping: Yes- Number of scripts: 2GeometryWomanVerts: 123,422Tris: 163,776Polys: 81,895OutfitVerts: 7,191Tris: 14,246Polys: 7,283Number of PBR Materials: 9 (built-in) + 9 (URP) + 9 (HDRP)Number of Textures: 14Texture Resolutions:- 1024х1024 (Eyeball textures)- 8192x8192 (other)Supported Development Platforms:-Windows:(Yes)-Mac:(Yes)