Like a NINJA!
Whenever one of 5 short BGM or 15 stingers are added to your games (and more), those will improve atmosphere like magic.
It is "NINJA BGM".
Therefore Japanese tradition music players were particular about a tone thoroughly.
When you want a traditional Japanese atmosphere, let's sound these music!
Tracks included:
01-05 Short BGM (around 20 seconds)
_01 Full Loop Version
_02 Ambient Loop Version
_03 Full Fade Version
_04 Ambient Fade Version
01 tradition
02 peace
03 sign
04 beginning
05 sword
06-08 Stingers(win)
09-11 Stingers(lose)
12-14 Stingers(change)
15-17 Stingers(suggestion)
18-20 Stingers(reward)
All tracks are ogg files at 44,100 Hz, 128kbps, Stereo.
All looping tracks are seamless.