Here are 7 tiny cartoon tanksThis package works from Unity 2019 to the lastest version.INCLUDED IN THIS PACKAGEMESHES (.fbx files)7 Meshes for the Tank body( Army - Dynamite - Marguerite - Medic - Nuke - PinkLady - Pumpkin )2 Meshes for the carterpillards (Left and Right)1 mesh for the cratelifterMeshes for the tank's partsMeshes for the particlesMeshes for the bonuses and crates and bulletsMeshes for the background elementsPREFABS7 Tanks with placed particlesEngine's smokeTrail smokeSmall explosion7 big explosion (for the tanks)TEXTURES▪ 7 Texture for the tank's body and carterpillards▪ 7 textures for the tank's helmets▪ 1 texture for the bonus and cratedTexture Resolutions: 1024x1024NOT INCLUDED▪ Script for the tanks behaviorANIMATIONS7 Animations for the tanks body7 Animations for the cartepillars2 animations for the crate lifterAnimation types: In placeVertex counts of characters:Pumkin Tank : 3.038Military Tank : 2,735Marguerite Tank : 3,459Medic Tank : 2,815Nuclear Tank : 3,800Pink Lady Tank : 2,719Dynamite Tank : 4,463Caterpillars : 1,875 each