Contains COZY 3: Stylized Weather and all the COZY: Weather modules at a discounted price. Follow the import instructions for access to the modules!CONNECT WITH US:Website | Email | Discord | DocumentationDistant Lands presentsCOZY Pro: Stylized Weather BundleEverything you need to control the skies in your next stylized game. COZY Pro is more than a simple weather system; it is a full-scale world manager with 25+ modules for fully-featured systems.Contains all COZY Modules at a discounted priceCOZY 3: Stylized WeatherCOZY: Plume - Volumetric Clouds ModuleCOZY: Habits - Extended Calender ModuleCOZY: Blocks - Preset-Based Atmosphere ModuleCOZY: Link - Multiplayer Support ModuleCOZY: Eclipse - Sun Occlusion ModuleCOZY: ReSound - Adaptive Soundtrack ModuleCompatibility Information:Supports Built-In, HDRP, and URP.All shaders are built with Amplify Shader Editor for easy customization.