Generate collision hulls for your meshes with only a few clicks! A K-DOP is a k-dimensional
discrete oriented polytope, i.e. a set of intersecting plane pairs that
together form a simple hull for your object.
* K-DOPs: popular from other big Game Engines
* Automatic collision hulls without manual effort
* High-performance collision with a good approximation of the object's shape
* Works with simple meshes, compound objects and prefabs
A box can be thought of as a 6DOP, since it has 6 planes (or 3 plane
pairs) that bound an object. Next in line is the 10DOP, which is a plane
with the edges beveled in one direction (X, Y or Z). If all edges are
beveled, you end up with an 18DOP. If the corners of the box are beveled
too, you get a 26DOP. Just try them out and see which fits your object!
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