This package contains different bottles, crates and packages with serveral texture-sets. In total 157 prefabs.This package contains different bottles, crates and packages with serveral texture-sets.In total 157 prefabs.-19 different bottles-6 diifferent crates-1 Whiskey package-4 packaged beerbottles for cratesAll props (without whiskey packages) include 3-4 levels of detailTextures include: Albedo, Maskmap (AO, Metallic, Smoothness) and NormalTextures-sizes: 2048x2048 to 4096x4096Supports BuiltIn-, URP- and HDRP-Renderpipeline.All props (without whiskey packages) include 3-4 levels of detailTextures include: Albedo, Maskmap (AO, Metallic, Smoothness) and NormalTextures-sizes: 2048x2048 to 4096x4096Supports BuiltIn-, URP- and HDRP-Renderpipeline.AI was used to design some bottle labels.