The 2D Cute Customizable Character is a great simple way to implement different-looking characters into your project.also tested with Unity 2023.2.6f1The 2D Cute Customizable Character Base pack provides a basic 2D character with a simple rig for you to create animation with and various tintable clothing and hair options as well as switchable facial features.To use the Character simply navigate to the folder: Lyrebird Studio/Character/Prefabs and drag any of the prefabs found in this folder into the scene.Specifically, you will find the following sprites in this package:11 hair front8 hair backside6 face extras7 eyebrows6 noses8 eyes8 mouths9 sleeves12 shirts6 pants5 pants legs5 shoesRefer to the documentation in the package for additional usage information or contact us directly for support at info@lyrebird-studio.comAnimated: NoFile count and used source files: 2 PSB with 96 individual spritesSkeleton PSB: 0.5 MBSkins PSB: 7,11 MBAdditional:various tintable spritesincludes simple rigsprite based