High quality projectile assets with stylized visual style, including shield, slash, projectiles, hit, explosions, etc.This tool can be used in any pipelines.Master stylized FX bundle.A stylized VFX package with high quality,Every particle is carefully designed, they look good even without the post processing stack. The shaders are mainly based on amplify shader editor, you can usethese shaders and textures to quickly make more similar particles.The package contains 8 kinds of particles, including:1.charge2.explosions3.hit4.groundblast5.projectiles6.slash7.swordbeam.8.Tornados9.Buffs10.Pickups11.Fields12.FireTorch13.FireThrower14.LevelUp15.Dash16.Confetti17.Smoke18.PunchHit19.SlashHit20.Vertical Lightning21.Lighting ball, Lightning Chain.There are 60 prefabs of them.Materials:90Textures:54, mainly 256x256, the flipbook textures are larger.Meshes:20All particles can be previewed in the sample scene.1. Some Shader made by amplify shader Editor.2. Hand paint texturs.3.ParticleSystem.