NOA Debugger is a versatile, high-performing debug tool proven across PC, smartphone, and tablet platforms. It boosts efficiency and evolves through user feedback at EXNOA.SetupImport:Import the package into your Unity project via the Asset Store.NOA Debugger is imported in UPM (Unity Package Manager) format.Initialization:Go to Unity Menu -> Window -> NOA Debugger to start the NOA Debugger Editor.In the NOA Debugger Editor, execute the Initialize command under the Package section.Once initialization is complete, you can confirm the installation is successful if NOA_DEBUGGER has been added to the Scripting Define Symbols in the PlayerSettings.Note: Please follow the above steps when updating to the latest version of the package. If the initialization does not work properly, execute the Delete command under the Package section of the NOA Debugger Editor and re-import the package from scratch.Feature ListInformation: A feature that allows for comprehensive review of application details and operational device specifications post-build.Profiler: Displays game FPS, memory usage, and rendering efficiency graphically, allowing real-time detection of performance fluctuations and anomalies.Snapshot: Captures system load at any desired moment for analysis, allowing for the addition of custom metrics as needed.Hierarchy: Enables you to check the status of all objects and their components in a scene without extra load upon menu access.ConsoleLog: Allows direct examination of app logs running on a device without the need for a PC connection. It includes automatic hooking to the Unity Debug API and a feature for inserting custom logs.APILog: Records detailed network communication data within the app, making it easier for developers to pinpoint communication issues. Note that it doesn't automatically hook, and user-side configuration is required.Command: Enables developers to execute custom debug commands quickly, to easily and swiftly test specific in-game actions.Note: All these features operate at runtime.How to useOpen NOA Debugger: Simply select the button to immediately unfold the NOA Debugger and start debugging. This button can be freely moved around the screen to avoid interfering with your UI operations. *You can flexibly toggle the visibility of the button using an API.Floating Window: With the Floating Window mode displaying specific functions, you can continue your debugging work. To avoid obstructing your UI operations, you can freely adjust the position and size of the window, and close it when not needed.Note: The NOA Debugger requires initialization at runtime for its usage. Although this initialization process is handled automatically by default, you also have the option to explicitly initiate it, providing additional control over the debugger's behavior.CustomizationCustom Menu: Add custom menus easily and design development-specific tools. On release, removing NOA Debugger also automatically excludes these menus from the build.Customize Font: Allows setting font assets suited to any language. Be aware that the tool's default font settings are exclusively for English.Note: Many customizations are possible through the provided API.OtherEasy Setup: Characterized by an easy setup where no complex configuration is needed – start using it immediately after importing it into your project.High Performance: Delivers efficient operations while maintaining high performance and minimizing workload.Full Documentation: Comprehensive documentation is supplied to address any questions developers may encounter.Source Code Included: Includes all source code, allowing for necessary customization and in-depth understanding.Tool Configuration: Provides finely tunable settings to match developers' preferences.API: Offers highly extensible APIs for almost all features, enabling seamless integration of functionalities.Inquiries and SupportFor inquiries about NOA Debugger, please reach out through the Unity Asset Store forum thread.Note: Support is provided in Japanese or English only. Our support hours are from 10:00 to 18:00 JST, Monday through Friday.The UnityChan character is used in the screenshots, but it is not included in the package.© Unity Technologies Japan/UCLGuaranteed operation environmentWindows: Windows10, 11iOS: 12+Android: 6+WebGL: Chrome(Latest edition)UnityEditor: 2021.3+Dependenciescom.unity.textmeshprocom.unity.ugui