A Sample pack where developers can craft their own sounds for a Mermaid or Siren like creatureThis is a construction pack that includes numerous audio files for creating the sounds of an Mermaid or Siren like creature.I have includedVox DryVox with VerbVox with Verb and WaterWater FoleySplashes and CrashesShip AmbiencesWeatherI Have included.Wav - for Quality (44.1khz 24bit)Audio DemoMermaid_Laugh1Mermaid_Laugh2Included is listed below in Verb format and Foley SFX FormatMermaid_Pain1Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Afraid1Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Afraid2Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Agro1Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Agro2Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Call Card 1Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Death1Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Death2Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Death3Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Death4Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Drone1Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Drone2Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Eating1Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Eating2Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Excuse MeVox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Flirting KoosVox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Flirting Koos2Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Fright1Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Fright2Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Good NightVox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Grab1Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Grab2Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Grab3Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Grab4Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_How are youVox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_How Are You-01Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Idle1Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Idle2Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Im Sorry I Didnt Mean toVox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Inquisitive1Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Inquisitive2Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Laugh1Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Laugh2Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Long Grunt 1(Being Hit)Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Long Grunt 1(Being Hit)-01Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Long Grunt 1(Perform and Action)Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Long Grunt 2(Being Hit)Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Long Grunt 2(Perform and Action)Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Mate_Call1Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Mate_Call2Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Melani(My Name is)Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Name1Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Name10Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Name11Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Name2Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Name3Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Name5Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Name6Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Name7Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Name8Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Name9Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Oh Hee1 (No)Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Oh Hee2 (No)Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Oh Hee3 (No)Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Pain1_ShortVox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Pain2Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Pain2_ShortVox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Sadness1Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Sadness2Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Scream1_LongVox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Scream1aVox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Scream1bVox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Scream2Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Scream2_LongVox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Short Grunt 1(Being Hit)Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Short Grunt 1(Perform and Action)Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Short Grunt 2(Being Hit)Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Short Grunt 2(Perform and Action)Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Sing_Melody1Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Sing_Melody2Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Sing_Melody3Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Sing_Melody4Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Sing_Melody5Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Sing_Melody6Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Slow_Breath1Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Slow_Breath2Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Sprinting_FastVox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Sprinting_SlowVox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Swimming_FastVox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Swimming_SlowVox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Ya1 (Yes)Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Ya2 (Yes)Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Raw_Ya4 (Yes)Vox clean with no fxMermaid_Big Fin_ Splash1Water Attack SFX and FoleyMermaid_Big Fin_ Splash2Water Attack SFX and FoleyMermaid_Big Fin_ Splash3Water Attack SFX and FoleyMermaid_Big Fin_ Splash4Water Attack SFX and FoleyMermaid_Big Fin_ Splash5Water Attack SFX and FoleyMermaid_Big Fin_ Splash6Water Attack SFX and FoleyMermaid_Fin_Splash1Water Attack SFX and FoleyMermaid_Fin_Splash2Water Attack SFX and FoleyMermaid_Fin_Splash3Water Attack SFX and FoleyMermaid_Fin_Splash4Water Attack SFX and FoleyMermaid_Fin_Splash5Water Attack SFX and FoleyMermaid_Rain AmbienceWater Attack SFX and FoleyMermaid_Ship_Ambience BayWater Attack SFX and FoleyMermaid_Ship_Ambience NightWater Attack SFX and FoleyMermaid_Ship_Destruction1Water Attack SFX and FoleyMermaid_Ship_Destruction2Water Attack SFX and FoleyMermaid_Ship_Destruction3Water Attack SFX and FoleyMermaid_Sword ClingsWater Attack SFX and FoleyMermaid_Underwater_AmbienceWater Attack SFX and FoleyMermaid_UnderWater_BodyMovement1Water Attack SFX and FoleyMermaid_UnderWater_BodyMovement2Water Attack SFX and FoleyMermaid_UnderWater_BodyMovement3Water Attack SFX and FoleyMermaid_UnderWater_BodyMovement4Water Attack SFX and Foley