Works with Unity Editor 5.6.1f1 and Android
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Today, we present our newest Unity package in which we take immersion to a new stage.
Users will be able to move their hand in the real world, by simple hand tracking, without the need of openCV or additional haptic hardware. Our project is divided in different scenes with increasing complexity and features, which will allow you to understand and edit the code better.
One you buy and download our package, you will have access to modularly scripts, that will allow you to interact with objects by moving your head. The user will also be able to pick, move and release intractable objects of the scene. In addition, the simple buttons will give you the change to trigger animations, play sounds, spawns objects and perform your own functions.
Finally, our advanced scene will give you all the necessary tools to build and incredible shooter baser on cardboard in which you will be able to pick your weapon, point at your targets using your hand and shoot using your voice.
Thanks for your support and helps us bring Virtual Reality to life.
New! Try or apk for free!:
test apk
This package contains the following:
-The necessary FBX, textures, models, scripts shown in the “apk”. This includes weapon models, environment models and button models.
-Scripts manage the hand tracking.
-6 different demo scenes in which we have tried to implement different functionalities: **simple hand tracking; object interaction;
**button trigger;
**object picking and releasing;
** a puzzle example;
**and an advanced shooter interface.
-Complete documentation to understand the principles of each package and full email support at: michael.soler.beatty@gmail.com.
-Please check our Videos for more information.
This package needs the following:
-Google VR SDK=1.10
download SDK 1.1
-A black glove and a white wall (for your hand). Alternatively, you can paste a black marker on your hand if you do not want to use a glove in front of a white wall.
-It does NOT need OpenCV, Vuforia or other software/hardware, just your hand inside a glove!.