Alt&Emo&Goth Styled Anime Girl Character for Games, VR, VRChat & Virtual You-tubing.To work with URP download UniVRM URP versionsOver 20 variations with colors3 T-Shirts3 Long T-shirts3 Skirts3 Underwear3 Pants2 Type Boots3 StockingsFacemask5 Hair colors5 Eyes colors3 Skin colorsSex: FemaleRig: HumanoidAnimations: EverydayAnimation 14 anims, LocomotionPolycountMinimum polygon count Verts:17179; Faces: 30333; Tris: 31886;Maximum polygon count Verts:26819; Faces: 39514; Tris: 49710;Texture Resolution: 4K TexturesTexture Maps: DiffuseShader: Unity-chan ShaderFacial Expressions: Facial Expressions are provided as Blendshapes (Shape keys). There are lots of Blendshapes for each Elements of the face which you can use to make any expression you like. Also contains Visemes Blendshapes required for lip-sync in VR programs.Pose in render not included.Support: Unity 2018.1 & AbovePipeline: Standard Only (For other pipelines such as LWRP or HDRP, kindly switch the Shader to one supported on that platform)Number of textures 30Polygon count of [Model Name]Minimum polygon count Verts:16953; Faces: 22269; Tris: 31458;Maximum polygon count Verts:22489; Faces: 27483; Tris: 41610;Number of meshes/prefabs 19Rigging: YesAnimation countAnimation type listUV mapping: Yes