Contain 3 main stylized based on hand paint and manipulate to be PBS texture set plus 4 other of blend version of each original texture. Totally 7 set of texture.
Dirt, Grass, Rock, Dirt+Grass, Dirt+Rock, Grass+Rock, Dirt+Grass+Rock.
Each included
albedo+smoothness packed into alpha,
normal map.
All in 1024 square.
Ready to use as PBS terrain texture. And thanks to Unity 5.4 feature, This albedo+smoothness texture could also functional as PBS material.
So I also include 7 ready to use material.
And a terrain with all of these texture setup ready to paint and sculpt.
*A very minor update*
Add metallic+smoothness for compatibility with earlier Unity version. The package size would be a little bigger than the original 5.4 version.