Random Elements System - Flexible Weighted & Ranged Randomizer
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Are you tired of constant magic numbers with Random.Range() calls in different parts of your code with two class members for a min-max declaration in the Editor?
Then this plugin is for you.Random Elements System is a flexible weighted & ranged randomizer for Unity with an amount of build-in types and the possibility of adding unlimited custom types in one click.It has all complicated logic encapsulated and provides simple API for robust usage.Forget about magic numbers in different parts of your code, strange min max fields for each random usage, and trivial implementation of a weighted random system - just call GetRandomValue()⭐ Implemented concrete types:Selective Random Weight CollectioncharstringfloatintColorVector2Vector2IntVector3Vector3IntQuaternionGameObjectScriptableObjectUnityEngine.ObjectMonoBehaviourMin Max Random Range PropertyintfloatColorVector2Vector2IntVector3Vector3IntQuaternionRandom Bool PropertyRandom Percentage PropertyRandom String Property⭐ Implemented extra abstract types:Random Enum Property✨ Special features for Selective Random Weight Collection:Equal weight for all itemsUse each item once per cycle (non-repetitions random during each cycle)Get probability at runtime in the code and the Editor Inspector⚡ Possibility to subscribe for OnGenerated event to be up to date for all new generating⚙️ Simple configuration and usage in one line code or via Editor Inspector - all implementation encapsulated🪄 Flexible and extendable for all own types using Editor Tool for generating new classes with one click✅ Many examples that cover a lot of standard use cases✍️ Well-commented and documented source codeIMPORTANT: We use Newtonsoft Json Unity Package in our plugin, so if you use an old version of Unity you will required to integrate the Newtonsoft Json manually into your project.🧡 ENJOYContact Us | Documentation